Summer Sale
It’s a new week, a new Monday and the weather is absolutely gorgeous: sunny and warm and all you really want to do is relax by water, any type of water. But as you can guess, I’m here, inside and in front of a computer, typing this little blog post and trying to shorten the list of the patterns to be written up!
The list of the patterns to be written is a long one, but page after page it’s getting shorter. Slightly slower than what I would like, but I’m guessing summer months deserve a little break from long hours of computer work. So I’m balancing it out with a lot of knitting outside - so some work gets done after all!
That’s why I had the idea of a Summer Sale! And it has started already! Use code SUMMER to get a 20% discount on all the patterns in my shop! The sale continues until the end of the day Friday, June 28th, 2024!
Hope you are all having a great start of the Summer season!