New Beanies for January

Here we are, in the middle of January. The days a re slowly, oh so slowly, getting a bit lighter, it’s cold and seems like each day we are getting a bit more snow. This really feels like Winter.

Winter, in my opinion, is also the perfect time to knit quick and warn woolly things like beanies! At least I feel this is the time. If you haven’t made a new hat for the new year yet, I have two lovely new designs for you to try.

First I want to share my Berlin Twist Beanie!

Berlin Twist is all ribbing, all softly squishy and warm, so warm that now amount of cold will get through it! It’s so simple that I managed to mess up my 1 x 1 ribbing multiple of times and had to fix those stitches from many´, many rows back. And let me tell you, you don’t want miss those errors after you have started the fun shaping! So you better be careful.

I knitted my version in Laurel Knits yarns Udu and BFL Silky Sock held together. Both yarns were in this lovely color Monday - off-white with a hint of pink in the mix. It’s just everything I love in a good color! Now I’m ready to knit all my things in this color…

But what I love most about my Berlin Twist is that it will now and forever remind me of my trip to Berlin in December 2023. I had the most wonderful time there with my friends and all the knitters! Having a special woolly item to remember those trips is one of my very favourite parts of knitting. Each stitch really holds do much! Much more than you would think from a first glance.

Second beanie that was just released is my Lempi Beanie

This one is one of those ultimate stash busters - it doesn’t use that much yarn (with gauge of 13 sts for the Stockinette part) and it’s a super quick knit! I mean, yes, you will work a long piece of knitting but at that gauge it doesn’t take too long. And the result is just lovely. With a double fold for the brim it’s also super warm. Perfect for our winter weather.

I used Isager Yarn Eco Soft and Silk Mohair held together for my sample beanie. Love love love that kind of oatmeal, white-beige color. It’s just like our dog Uisko.

Until the end of Sunday, January 21st, you can get these beanie patterns at a 20% discount. Just use code SNOWDAY for Berlin Twist and SNOWDAY2 for Lempi Beanie here on my website.


January Projects
