A diary for all my knitting and making

new patterns, knitting Veera Välimäki new patterns, knitting Veera Välimäki

Cherry Good Socks

Simple socks are often the best socks! I love when I can find a good sock template, with a few well thought through details that I can follow pair after pair - and this, my newest pattern release, is exactly what I love.

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knitting, new patterns Veera Välimäki knitting, new patterns Veera Välimäki

Beanie Season

Beanie season is still gong strong! In addition to all the socks I have also been knitting quite a few beanies this winter - and yes, there are still some from the previous year too that I haven’t yet gotten quite ready. But today we are celebrating the two lovely finished beanies that are ready to jump onto your knitting needles!

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new patterns, knitting Veera Välimäki new patterns, knitting Veera Välimäki

Pino Socks

A third sock post in a row! Who knew this day would come?! Not me, but here we are. I’m completely head over heels into sock knitting right now. Preferably socks with some stripes and even better with some intarsia knitting.

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Laine Publishing, knitting Veera Välimäki Laine Publishing, knitting Veera Välimäki

Cover Girl

Speaking of socks! It’s not just this year when I’m drawn to socks, because I have the honour of being one of the cover designers on the upcoming Laine Magazine. If you look closely you can see my Blue Hour socks there!

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knitting, new patterns Veera Välimäki knitting, new patterns Veera Välimäki

Mellow Shawl

Hello December! I’m late to the party! To start crossing things off from my to-do list of the year 24, I am today sharing the Mellow Shawl with everyone. If you are looking for a relaxing shawl to knit during all that sometimes stressful holiday prep, this is a good one!

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new patterns, knitting Veera Välimäki new patterns, knitting Veera Välimäki

That hiking sweater

This post is the tale of that hiking sweater I was knitting in August, when I was getting ready for my first ever hiking and backpacking trip in Iceland. This post is also a bit about my new design Orgeat Sweater (aka the hiking sweater).

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knitting Veera Välimäki knitting Veera Välimäki

Sticky Toffee

That dreamy autumn weather is here, with golden leaves all around us and frosty mornings that make us reach for an extra squishy and warm layer! This is the weather I'm dreaming about right now!

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knitting, new patterns Veera Välimäki knitting, new patterns Veera Välimäki

Säie Sweater

Today is all about Säie Sweater! If this doesn’t bring the sweater weather, autumn feel to me, I don’t know what will! It’s all colorwork, circular yoke sweater that has been in the making for quite some time. Säie Sweater is an ode to the beautiful colors of Säie Wool.

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